Our Family House
This page contains information about maintenance on our beloved
family house.
Last Updated Thursday, January 16, 2003
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If I have left something out, please notify me at:
[email protected].
I will be glad to update this page. This page covers updates from
3/24/01 forward. Unfortunately, this page has not been maintained
very well due to my laziness. |
Note: The listings below were taken from the visitor's log
located on the washing machine. I know there were other members of
the family coming and going as well. If you would like your visit
documented on this web site, please make an entry on the visitor's log.
I will try to update this page every couple of months. Thanks for
everyone's support and cohesion as a family. From Rick's house to
yours -- Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!
3/24/01 -- Rick sprayed lawn for weeds. Rick's comments:
"Chickweed and clover are growing well. I applied a generous covering
of various herbicides to combat these weeds, so that this summer will again
produce a pretty lawn. A piece of the window shutter on the back
of the house had broken off due to high winds. I did not have the
proper hardware to repair, but next time I am out (3 weeks) I will fix
it. I left the broken part in front of the dryer. Jerry and I will
mow lawn then also."
April -- various visitors, but unfortunately comment logs were lost
5/11/01 -- Rick mowed grass and trimmed hedge. Rick's comments:
"Grass is growing nicely and the house is in good shape."
5/23/01 -- Charlene mowed grass. Charlene's comments: "I have
never seen a lawn that looked so nice after being mowed. I'm glad
my grass at home isn't this prolific."
5/26/01 -- Jerry sprayed lawn for pesky weeds that were reluctant to
die. Jerry's comments: "I'll get these weeds if it's the
last thing I do."
6/2/01 -- Rick and Charlene. Due to heavy winds, a lot of tree
work needed done. We cut limbs and hauled them off. The hedge
was also manicured. Joint comments: "Gee, we're glad the spring
storms are over."
From 6/2 to 8/19, Vici was in typical summertime with various visitors
at our house performing normal yard and house maintenance. These
are the visitors log dates: 6/9/01: Charlene 6/15/01:
Charlene and Jerry 6/20/01: Rick
6/29/01: Rick 6/30/01: Jerry
7/6/01: Charlene 7/20/01: Jerry 8/10/01:
Jerry 8/11/01: Charlene
8/19/01: Rick
8/22/01 -- Jettie. Jettie reported in the visitor's log: "Nice
accommodations, it was good to be home!"
9/01/01 -- Rick. Grass maintenance and trimmed hedge. Repaired
leaky faucet in bathtub. Grass is becoming less of an issue.
9/14/01 -- Charlene reported: "I mowed and spent Saturday at MKT
RR Depot auction etc. Big electrical storm and no electricity all
night. OG&E in alley at 10 am Sunday morning restoring electricity.
Went to church. Bye, Bye"
10/26/01 -- Charlene reported: "Closed off vents in north bedrooms
and closed door to keep southern rooms warmer."
11/27/01 -- Jerry reported: "Checked house and turned heater to 40*.
Turned water on washer off."
12/8/01 -- Rick repaired tile in bathroom that Charlene had noticed.
Rick reported: "I turned the central heater thermostat up to 50*, and
turned the water heater to the 'vacation' setting. The neighborhood
kids were busy playing basketball, and I remember how Mom used to sit on
the porch and watch them."