Last updated Thursday, January 16, 2003
I hope your Christmas and New Year's were
Rich and Rewarding
Welcome to the Belew family web
of Edna and Budley Belew
Dad, Budley born May 19, 1898 deceased August 24, 1960 7:10 am
Mom, Edna born March 27, 1913 in Harmon, OK
They were married on Nov. 22, 1934 in Arnett, OK
Their Marriage License
web page is dedicated to my Parents and
Brothers and Sisters
Pictures of them
updated 1/1/02 (picture page 1)
More Pictures (picture
page 2)
If you have anything you would like added to
our web site, please notify
Rick (web administrator) at [email protected]
Also, please report any broken links to me
as well.
Information on Dad's
1897 Model Winchester
Model 1897
Our house and what has been done to maintain
our beloved house.
Our House
My brothers and sisters and myself were raised around the Vici, Oklahoma area. Vici is a small town, population 601, in northwestern Oklahoma, 21 miles south of Woodward, Oklahoma. My father was the city Water Commissioner. My mother (and dad sometimes) worked at the Cream Station owned by Guy Beck. My father died in 1961, and my mother went to work at the school cafeteria, and also did payroll statements for the town of Vici. My sister, Dolores remembers "I just remember having to help do the statements and I hated it". I was lucky enough to be the 'baby' of the family and have benefited from the wisdom and advice of my brothers and sisters.
The Vici area opened to homesteaders on April 10, 1892. The name Vici comes from the famous speech of Julius Caesar of "Vini Vidi Vici" which means "I came, I saw, I conquered".
On May 10, 1908 the entire town was swept away by a tornado. No lives were lost because the whole population was huddled together in Bob Weaver's cave. The 358 residents set forth the boundary and the town of Vici was incorporated on June 3, 1913.
On April 9, 1947, a tornado rated in the top ten destroyed Woodward, OK. This tornado spent more time on the ground than any other in history. Want to read more about it? Go here:
I have a newspaper clipping telling about a tornado on April 14,
it doesn't give the year. If anyone knows, email me at [email protected].
This is the text.
Vici, Okla., April 14 -- (AP) -- A tornado ripped into this
little Dewey county town tonight, injuring at least seven persons and demolishing
a number of buildings, some in the business district.
Three of the injured were reported seriously hurt.
First reports said at least three business houses were destroyed.
Electric power lines were blown down, telephone service in the town disrupted
and windows shattered throughout the community. The injured included:
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